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Maud Ella Coatney Showers

Maud Ella Coatney Showers (Born 17 April 1862 in Monroe County and died 23 August 1936 in Indianapolis.) Maud, at sixteen years of age, married Charles Hull Showers in 1880. Charles, also known as “Hullie,” was one-third partner with his brothers William and James Showers in the Shower’s Brothers Furniture Company. Charles fell ill and died at the age of 26. Near death, he summoned his lawyer to his bedside where he made a will leaving the one-third partnership with his wife Maud. Maud was only twenty three at her husband’s death but as Carol Krause, in her book “Showers Brothers Furniture Company” states, Maud “would prove herself superior to most Bloomingtonians of her day in terms of personal growth, organizing talent, and philanthropy.” Maud went on to be successful in business and community service. She was active in women’s suffrage and led the Local Council of Women that founded the Bloomington Hospital. She was also the leader in building the new Carnegie Library where the History Center now stands. She had served as President of the Bloomington Hospital Trustees and also the Library Board. She is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery.
